
1. 第一型胰島素依賴型糖尿病(IInsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus,簡稱IDDM):

一種自體免疫疾病 (autoimmune disease),需注射胰島素治療。

2. 第二型非胰島素依賴型糖尿病(INon-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus,簡稱NIDDM)

組織無法對胰島素發生作用,常與遺傳有關,可用限制飲食以控制病 情。90%以上的病者都屬於NIDDM。

3. 其他特殊類型: 包括β細胞功能的基因缺陷、胰島素作用的基因缺陷、胰腺疾病、內分泌疾病、藥物及化學物引起的疾病、感染、不常見的免疫介導的糖尿病、其他遺傳症候群伴有的糖尿病等。

4. 妊娠期糖尿病


1. 空腹時血漿血糖≧126mg/dl
2. 餐後血漿血糖≧200mg/dl
3. 口服葡萄糖耐量試驗,空腹口服葡萄糖75克,2小時後血漿血糖≧200mg/dl。


# 民國91年 台灣地區主要死亡原因第四位
# 全球觀 1985年全球約有三千萬人患有糖尿病,1998年時,增為一億四千三百萬人。 預計在2025年時,糖尿病人口更攀升至三億之多。


一. 大花紫葳

Lagerstroemia Speciosa
英文名 : Queen-flower ,
Queen crep-myrtle

Lagerstroemia Speciosa 小檔案
被子植物門 Angiospermae
離瓣花亞鋼 Choripetalae
雙花被類 Dialypetalae
桃金孃目 Myrtales
千屈菜科 Lythaceae
紫葳屬 Lagerstroemia
[採葉.加工] 根、樹皮、葉、花均供藥用,採集曬乾。
[成分.藥理] 樹皮含ellagic acid。葉含 lageracetal及n-amyl alcohol等。樹皮及葉具有瀉下作用。種子具有麻醉樣作用。
[效用] 根有收斂之效。樹皮有收斂,興奮,解熱之效。治腹部疾患,腹瀉。葉搗敷瘧疾,腳折斷。果實冶鵝口瘡。
[彙考]本種之葉、花、果實均較 "紫薇"大形,故名。(著者)
USEs (Folkloric)
Roots have been used for a variety of stomach ailments. Leaf decoction for diabetes ; also use as a diuretic and purgative.
Decoction of leaves and dried fruit, 50 gms to a pint of boiling water, 4 to 6 cups daily has been used for diabetes.
The bark decoction has been used for the treatment of diarrhea.
-The bark , flowers and leaves used to facilitiate bowel movements.
-Decoction of leaves and flowers used for fevers.
-Decoction of fruits gargled for aphthous stomatitis.
It has more than 1500 years of history
Lagerstroemia Speciosa 考察
1940年 Garcia F
On the hypoglycemic effect of decoction of Lagerstroemia Speciosa Leaf administerd orally. (From The J of Philippin Medical Association)
1993年 Murakami et al.
researchers in japan isolated corosolic acid from the methanol extract of Lagerstroemia Speciosa Leaf , which showed a significant glucose transport-stimulating activity at a concentration of 1μM .
1996年 Kakuda et al.
The hypoglycemic effect of Lagerstroemia Speciosa has been demonstrated in animal and in vitro studies. When genetically diabetic mice (Type II) were fed a diet containing hot water extract from Lagerstroemia Speciosa for 5 weeks , their elevated blood glucose was significantly suppressed.
1999年 Suzuki et al.
In another study , when obese diabetic rats were fed a diet containing the same extract for 12 weeks , their blood glucose levels were not suppressed , but their body weights were lowered significantly.

2001年 Liu et al.
An extract of Lagerstroemia Speciosa L. has insulin-like glucose uptake – stimulatory and adipocyte differentiation – inhibitory activities in 3T3-L1 cells.
Plant extract may be useful for prevention and treatment of hyperglycemia and obesity in Type II diabetics.
2002年 William V. Judy et al.
Antidiabetic activity of a standardized extract (GlucosolTM) from Lagerstroemia Speciosa leaves in type II diabetics A dose-dependence study.

Lagerstroemia Speciosa有效成分
1. Corosolic acid
此為一有效物質 , 經證實已有像人類insulin的功能 , 但卻無insulin的副作用 , 有植物的insulin之稱.
2. 含有豐富的微量營養素
3. Valoneaic acid It is the α- Amylase Inhibitor in Lagerstroemia Speciosa

如此一來 , 血糖下降作用 ; 抗肥胖作用 ; 抗氧化作用 皆受到確認 .

Lagerstroemia Speciosa 藥理作用
The leaves of Lagerstroemia Speciosa contain large amounts of corosolic acid.

studied the effects of corosolic acid in relation to its insulin-like properties. His studies indicate that corosolic acid activates the transport of glucose across cell membranes, resulting in blood sugar reductions. (Dr. Yamazaki, professor of Pharmaceutical Science, Hiroshima University School of Medicine, Japan)
The effect of extracts isolated from Lagerstroemia Speciosa on glucose transport and adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells (脂肪細胞) were studied.

Insulin & corosolic acid 之比較
- 作用原理activates the transport of glucose across cell

- 動物提煉&天然
- Insulin & corosolic acid 副作用的差別
- Insulin 不能oral ; corosolic acid 可以口服
(Insulin inject & corosolic acid 口服有相似作用)
- corosolic acid 可以使過多的糖被cell有效的燃燒作為能量
- Corosolic acid shows a memory effect
Corosolic acid shows a memory effect of blood glucose lowering even after the treatment is stopped.
corosolic acid 之結構

二. 匙羹藤酸 (Gymnemic acid)

早在1930年, 印度的研究人員即發現,服用此植物會讓動物產生低血糖。 研究人員指出,此種草藥對糖的新陳代謝作用沒有任何反應,而是間接地刺激了胰臟分泌胰島素。
-匙羹藤酸 (Gymnemic acid)
-組成此種有機酸的分子有著與葡萄糖分子相同的原子結構。這些分子會填充味蕾上的受體1~2個小時,從而防止味蕾對食物中的糖分子發生作用。同樣的原理, 有機酸中的類似葡萄糖的分子會填充腸的吸收表層的受體, 從而防止腸吸收糖分子。

-可去除苦味。 例如去除奎寧的苦味, 原理與它影響食物的甜味相同。但是, 此種植物對辣味、 鹽味、 酸味、 澀味沒有任何影響。因此, 咀嚼此種植物後2小時內,若吃橘子, 則只可嚐出酸味, 不會感覺到任何甜味。

-可去除甜味並壓抑想吃甜食的慾望。此種植物的效果可維持1~2個小時。所以請牢記, 在赴宴前, 若 吃這種草藥, 則可壓抑吃甜食的欲望。

-此種植物通過控制腸在消化過程中對糖分子的吸收,可以有效地降低糖的代謝, 因此改變糖的吸收, 從而達到改變血糖含量的效果。
